Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Have we found the lowest-priced menu covers on the continent?

Could these be the lowest-priced menu covers in North America?

Certainly you get what you pay for. And certainly in the restaurant and hospitality business you want to look the part, and showcase your offering in classic and classy fashion. And thus there exists a great body of superior designs, styles and materials from a host of menu cover manufacturers.

However, it is equally true that not everyone needs more than what is simple, clean and utilitarian. Compelled by preserving the bottom line, restauranteurs in both the United States and Canada have been holding on to their old menu covers a little longer, and when they do upgrade, they don't necessarily purchase the same quality or quantity that they might've back in the day. Though, this voice in the wilderness would like to proclaim that- all things being equal- the menu cover is a direct line to the soul of your patron, and if you can avoid dumbing the presentation down, don't.

Having said that, finances will often dictate an outcome where sensibility and good taste might've in a more flush season. So let's cut to the chase. Suppose you wanted to spend the least amount you possibly could, and still get a high-quality commercial menu cover. It's doable, and the costs are ridiculously low, even for recession times.

Most of the clear vinyl menu covers with leatherette edges are double-stitched for strength; some domestic manufacturers point to their single-stitched product, with very high tensile strength stitching, and say it's just as good. When it comes to lowest price, always shop around. However, you may wish to consider the Menucoverman's ultra-low-priced Cafe Menu Covers, which are without question among the lowest priced anywhere. And if it's a question of quick delivery, they keep them in stock and are able to ship anywhere in North America or to the Carribbean instantly.

Dad used to say: Don't say cheap menu covers. Say inexpensive menu covers. But, gosh, if they are really cheap menu covers, tell it like it is: cheap menu covers.


Unknown said...

good point!
Why get trendy menu covers? -

Anonymous said...

Check us out - menu covers uk

Todd Chambers said...

These guys are way cheaper Menu Covers

Unknown said...
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Unknown said...

The best menu maker since 25 years !

worldwidemenucovers said...

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Menu Covers

worldwidemenucovers said...

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Menu Covers

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